10 Easy Jack O' Lantern Carving Templates
10 Easy Jack O' Lantern Carving Templates
10 Easy Jack O' Lantern Carving Templates
10 Easy Jack O' Lantern Carving Templates
10 Easy Jack O' Lantern Carving Templates

10 Easy Jack O' Lantern Carving Templates

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These easy Jack O Lantern Templates will help you have fun carving your Halloween pumpkin and achieve a more professional result. Just hold them to the surface of the pumpkin using tape, then poke the surface of the design with a bradawl or toothpick before cutting out the darker parts of the design. For more details follow the steps bellow.

Remember! Place a pumpkin lantern in your driveway to indicate that you are willing to take part in the popular Halloween "Trick or Treat" game.



- 10 Pumpkin Carving Templates


Full instructions to carve your pumpkin are included on the steps to follow bellow. Additionally (materials are not provided), to make these Jack O' Lantern Pumpkin you will need:

1. 6 A4 papers
2. Adhesive tape
3. Small pumpkin saw
4. Hobby knife
5. Flour
6. Felt pen
7. Big Spoon
8. Bradawl or toothpick
9. Newspaper
10. 1 tea candle


1. Print the pumpkin carving templates and choose the one that inspires you
2. Working on a layer of newspaper, draw the lid of the pumpkin and cut with the small saw
3. Empty the pumpkin leaving as much empty space as possible using the large spoon
4. Stick the pumpkin designs onto the pumpkin with adhesive tape
5. Prick the outlines of the stencil with the bradawl or toothpick
6. Remove the template and pat flour over the outlines to see it better
7. Carve the design on the pumpkin using either the pumpkin saw or the exacto knife
8. Place a candle inside the pumpkin and put in a visible place